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August Goals+To Do List

That planner may look quite empty, but believe me when I say that I want to accomplish a lot more in August.

I have never been one to talk too much about my goals lately because I fear that if I fail while I constantly talk about them, and I fail, I end up looking like a loser to others. But looking back on my "On This Day" app on Facebook, I thought I was so annoying between 2010–2012 for constantly talking about exercising (with the occasional complaining about my weight, which legitimately gets tiring), wanting to get into the graphic design program at school, posting pics of my artwork, etc. But talking about them made me more motivated into achieving my goals. I don't know why I shrunk back. There's a saying: "Don't talk about your problems. 20% don't care, and 80% are happy you have them." No wonder people put up a front on Facebook. When I was fired last year and really, really down in the dumps about it, I sure as hell didn't announce it.

I don't know, I'm babbling right now. But my point is, I want to tell you guys what I want to achieve this August so that I can be accountable and more motivated. I will also write this down on paper.

I just sometimes feel like I have bad follow-through. You can list all you won't but the magic doesn't happen until you actually DO it. And I can think of the times where I was able to accomplish my dreams: incidents of losing weight, and getting in the graphic design program at school and finishing to get my Bachelor's degree. Even when it was difficult. Especially when it was difficult and I wanted to cry, pray, and go to bed.

So, what do I want to tackle in August?


  • I have already rebranded my website. I know what you're thinking: This blog has a horrible design. But I will be rebranding it soon, and I want to accomplish that this month! In the meantime, I have updated my portfolio website here
  • Sign up for Lynda.com again to refresh my skills about web design, print production, business, marketing, etc. 
  • Job hunt/apply everyday.
  • Start sketching/designing our wedding invitations.


  • Exercise at least 3 times a week. I tend to be an all or nothing type of person, missing weeks of exercise just because I am not able to do it 5 times a week.
  • Drink a lot more water.
  • Handle my insurance issues. (Let's just say, the healthcare system in the US is terrible compared to what Canada and Europe have)
  • Limit my eating Cheetos to twice a week using the small bags rather than gorging on the family-sized bag within a 2 day span.
  • Floss everyday, mouthwash after each brushing.
  • Incorporate more veggies in my meals.


  • Cecilio and I will be going cake tasting this Friday and dessert bar tasting on the 20th! This is something we have been totally looking forward to!
  • Start my DIY projects: a card box, guestbook, designing our save-the-dates and invitations, table numbers, welcome signs, Instagram signs, etc. Of course, I won't be able to do all of this all at once!
  • Start looking for a pre-marriage counselor.
  • Start looking for transportation and a hairstylist.


  • Rebrand/redesign Floraful. It's time.
  • Add my social media links again, and get more involved on twitter and Instagram (it's hard to keep up with the chats when they are mostly UK-based!)
  • Hit 15 posts this month.
  • Comment on other people's blogs consistently.


  • Manage my money wisely, and not spend every time there's a sale! The Urban Decay Naked Smoky Palette was only $27, and as soon as I was going to order it, it was out of stock. Oh well! If I really wanted it that bad, I would have bought it a long time ago.
  • Start reading again. I have a horrible, horrible attention span when it comes to books...but it feels amazing when I finish them.
  • Read my Christian devotions/Book of Common prayers through this app, Forward Day by Day, daily.
  • Spread kindness to others even when they can be hurtful to me but don't mean it (family...at the end of the day, we have each other's back)

And I found this on Instagram for some motivation and encouragement, I thought this would be of help to you too...

What are some goals or things you would like to accomplish in August?

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