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What Your Blemishes Mean | What is Your Skin Trying To Tell You?

The past 4 weeks, I've been struggling somewhat with my skin. I always kind of expect it around this time of year - my skin really doesn't agree with cold, dull weather (a bit like me!) and as soon as the weather changes, I notice changes in my skin. However, this time around, my skin has been all over the place - and after a few weeks of trying everything in my power to get rid of any blemishes with no real results, I came across a really interesting online article that helped me no end to understand my skin - and I thought would be of interest to some of you.

I have never suffered with acne. My skin is fairly good, and although I'd still class it as 'sensitive' and 'spot-prone', it's mostly quite clear and I only ever get the odd one on my chin (I'm lucky, i know - but i suffered with spots very early on in my teenage years so it's had plenty of time to settle!). However, over the past 4 weeks or so I'd started to notice the skin on my cheeks starting to look a little worse for wear. It started off with patches of redness and visible pores, and gradually began to get worse - I ended up with little raised red bumps under my skin, and although it was manageable and was easily hid underneath makeup, I knew something was wrong. I know my skin and I'd never ever had problems before with blemishes on my cheeks - not even in my teenage years. I went through the usual routine of stopping using anything new to my skincare regime (which was nothing but a simple change in brands - i do this every winter to help with my slightly dryer skin and never had problems before)..  I also went back to basics with my makeup and cleansing routine, and switched back to my summer tinted moisturiser thinking it might be my foundation. But nothing seemed to work. I had ruled out reactions to products which was the most obvious cause - and if i'm honest I was at a complete loss of what to do.  That was until I found this article on Company's website, discussing what spots can mean, and how blemishes on different areas of your face are linked with your health and diet...

The idea stems from Chinese medicine - which suggests each part of the face indicates how well different organs of your body are functioning.  About 4 weeks prior to suffering with the spots on my cheeks, I'd suffered with a particularly bad cold/cough, and had found the symptoms of the cough had been hanging around and that I was getting out of breath very quickly. I went through spells of having little attacks where i'd struggle to intake a full breath of air and just put it down to the cold weather. The article stated that 'in Chinese medicine the cheeks are related to the lungs, so if you suffer with regular colds, flu and asthma you may get outbreaks or irregularities in skin tone texture here'. After reading this, I went to visit the doctor and discovered I'd had a chest infection for about 3 weeks - and was given a prescription to help clear it. I've now started to feel much better, and all symptoms of breathlessness have now been cleared - as well as the skin on my cheeks. In fact, it's almost completely back to normal and the uneven skin tone is beginning to clear once again.

Now, I'm not completely gullible with things like this, and I'm fully aware this might be a big fat dose of coincidence. But surely there has to be some truth in the whole concept of chinese medicine and skin blemishes and how my skin began to clear as soon as I began using the inhaler and taking the antibiotics for my chest infection. As fellow females, I'm sure you'll all sympathise with the fact that any blemishes on the chin start to worsen at certain times of the month - and it's a proven fact that spots are linked to hormonal imbalances. I think it's fair to say that if you're feeling under the weather, your skin will feel a little sorry for itself too. I just found it very interesting to read up on what different parts of the face link to, and how my skin cleared up within the space of a couple of days as soon as my airways started to feel less clogged! Coincidence?.. I'm not so sure.

What are your thoughts on this?

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