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Burt's Bees Smacking Summer Lip Shades Workshop ❤

P/s: I know many of you would realize that this is an outdated post-event from me. Sorry readers~ I lost all the photos in my memory card and finally I can recover all the photos back with the help of my brother's friend. What a relief! Thank you Eddy bro!

Anyway, back to the topic above. I was cordially invited to attend this Burt's Bees workshop at The Gardens Club with the rest of the bloggers a month ago. Was late for event due to some unforeseen circumstances but managed to catch some of the important tips from the image consultant, Miss Josephine. Thank you for your beauty tips.

Miss Josephine, the image consultant shared some of the tips with us. 

Basically, Burt's Bees creates natural, earth-friendly personal care products formulated to help you maximize your well-being and that of the world around you.

Our goals are to create and educate about truly natural products that have a positive effect on you and the world you live in. We believe the best solutions for your skin and hair are not in the prettiest bottles or made with the most scientific sounding ingredients. Instead, they're found in powerful , time-tested natural ingredients.

During registration, we were given lip brush to try on each of the products. *thumbs up*  

I can keep the lip brush with me. Yay! :D

Tinted Lip Balm.

Lip Shimmer. 

 Participants who attended the workshop that day.

 Lip Shine. P/s: My sis gonna love this when she sees this! :P

 Lip Gloss.

Frankly speaking,  I did not know that Burt's Bees has so many ranges of lips products from lip shine, lip gloss, lip balm and etc. So hard to choose from. =/

Swee San volunteered herself to try on the products that day.

This is the night lip care tips shared by Miss Josephine. It is important to put on moisturizing lip treatment at night in order to moisture the lips and prevent chapped lips the next day.

A few boxes which contain Burt's Bees products were given to the audience to those who managed to answer the questions correctly and lucky Swee San that she managed to get herself a full size products from Burt's Bees! *envy*

Swee San's. (:

An interesting fact that I read from the poster. :P

A photo with Miss Josephine before I left for another event in Midvalley.

A box filled with love to pamper myself. Thank you Burt's Bees!

Thank you Burt’s Bees for organizing this workshop and I can finally do the tricks to have pouty lips already! *yay*

❤ Follow me at
Instagram - @janicemonteith
Twitter - @janicemonteith
Imotiv - janiceyeap 

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